The Verdict Is In!

 After carefully researching the thriller, adventure, and drama genres, we’ve finally come to a consensus. 

We strongly considered the thriller genre. Films in the thriller genre usually produce heightened suspense, surprise, and anticipation. In our pitch, the characters must journey through the Las Olas area in search of a fortune lost for years. This will prove exciting, and as it is a treasure hunt, we’ll surely encounter surprise obstacles and plot twists along the way. Still, thrillers build up rather slowly, and we only have 5 minutes to work with. This might not be enough time to convey such a complex genre. Thrillers also require a lot of emotional investment, so if our actors aren’t committed enough to the role, it simply wouldn’t be a good production. Our actors have a lot to balance between school and extracurricular activities, so we don’t want to add extra to their plates.

Our pitch wouldn’t make a very good drama film. The conventions differ too much from the story idea and would be off-putting to the viewers. Yes, we could use some elements of drama but overall, it wouldn't be right to categorize it as such. To make a good drama film, you need really talented actors. I have all the faith in our actors, but the film would be too unrealistic without the proper training and emotional range. Also, changing our story to be more dramatic would be less exciting. One element of a drama film we can use is the voiceover. Usually, a voiceover introduces the characters and tells the viewers what is happening in their heads. As our characters are preoccupied with treasure hunting, it’d be helpful to have a voiceover telling the viewers what they think as it is happening and how they feel. Still, this is just one of the many features needed to perfect our film, and the drama genre simply doesn’t check all our boxes.

Our third and final genre, and the one we chose to go with, is the adventure genre. The adventure genre offers excitement that will leave you at the edge of your seats, danger, tension, a race against time, a lovable protagonist, and of course, an incredibly long but worthwhile journey. Adventure movies are always popular because they transport the viewers into a different part of the world where they can experience the excitement that’s not there in the real world. We chose the genre that’d be the most exciting to film but also the most convenient. It gives you all the perks of a thriller and more without the complexity of making one. It also provides a wide range of camera angles, from mid shots to dutch shots, and the mise-en-scene will be easy to incorporate because an adventure outfit can be almost anything in your closet. Overall, the most calculated decision was an adventure film. 


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