The Short Film Review

   We had just recently completed our audio, and before we moved on to add titles, we needed our film to be reviewed. It’s important to have a new set of eyes review your project after you’ve been staring at it for so long. They can pick up mistakes you cannot because you’re rolling over them. So, we left it up to our friends, who can be very brutally honest with us.

  The biggest changes our friends decided we needed to work on was the lighting, audio, and transitions. This was especially frustrating after the work I had just put in to try to make the audio less terrible. But I couldn’t help but agree. You could still hear the wind pretty badly over the dialect in many scenes. They also made the comment it felt jumpy. We took that as if the transitions were not as smooth as they could be. That is another completely valid argument. We did not work to blend the scenes as best as we could. They also mentioned that there was some glare in a few scenes. This was a struggle we experienced while filming. Even as an actor, it hurt my eyes to look at some of the beach scenes.

  Not everything was negative, though. They did have some very encouraging positive feedback. They loved the storyline (even with the corniness). They believe the clues were interesting. And they told us they were proud of us. They're such great friends, and I’m thankful for their feedback.  


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