Short Film Research: (The Life and Death of Tommy Chaos and Stacey Danger)


  • The close up allows the audience to see the closeness between the two characters

  • The pan allows for the audience to see the movement that the two characters are doing together

  • Two shots show just how close the characters are and how important each is to the other

  • The wide shot shows how small of a space that the movie is in


  • The setting used looks complex and advanced allowing for the audience to see the time period it is set in

  • The lighting reflects the craziness of the whole situation

  • The constantly changing costumes allows the audience to see the constantly changing conversations


  • The zoom shows just how much the two characters are bonded and the connection they have

  • The fade out allows for a simple transition between scenes

  • The shot/reverse shot allows for time to pass more quickly in the film

Example Films

  • Slumberland

  • National Treasure

  • Journey to the Center of the Earth

Elements we like

  • If used properly, fade outs show clean and precision which looks best for the movie

  • Paying attention to the setting, makes the whole movie look more realistic which is something we want for ours

Elements we don't like

  • The close up is not needed for the affect of showing how close two characters are, instead it should the done through acting

  • While the lighting does add an extra layer to the movie, it serves more as a distraction


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