First day Filming Fatigue

 Today was the first day we had time to film. It was after school on an early release day. It was also the last day of the quarter, so I had a massive paper due for another AICE class. I had stayed up the whole night before putting the finishing touches on the paper. I was exhausted and had already fallen asleep once in class. So I was not much help to my group. I was so tired that I forgot to bring the prop with us to film after school. I had already driven almost to school when I realized. I had to have my mom bring it with her to work because I live so far from school, but she works right down the street. So after school, I drove one of my group members to the other house. We stopped and picked up the doll from my mom on the way. Then we went to Eden's place. 

 Eden's house was our filming destination. When we arrived we were first introduced to her cats. They were very playful and were the cause of many of our bloopers. My role today was mainly to direct. I was setting up the shots. In doing this I helped make sure the lighting was consistent and that the angles were the same throughout multiple shots. I also gave the cues for the shots to tell the actor when to start. we mainly shot the latter half of the script today though so only one actor was needed. 


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