All About Ashleigh

   Hello, to whoever may be reading this. I'm Ashleigh Miller. I'm currently 17 and taking AICE Media Studies AS Level. My favorite color is black, and most of my time is taken up by the school. I'm currently Student Government Treasure and genuinely enjoy it. I don't have much free time, but I spend what I do have is spent on gardening, volunteering, self-care, and driving. I have big plans for my future, though. 

  I want to go to a top school in Florida and get a master's degree in hospitality management. From there, I know I want to work on a cruise for at least five years and see where that takes me. I'm a Sagittarius, so it's my nature to yearn to travel and learn about the world as much as possible. Places on my bucket list include Alaska, Niagra falls, and Australia. My family is from Italy, so that's also on my list. My pets are the most important thing to me. When I get home late from work, my rottweiler waits up for me and greets me by letting me give him hugs. It's our special little thing. My other pet is my beautiful cat. She cuddles with me every night and keeps me company while doing my homework.

  I've currently been taking AICE Media Studies for six months. Over these past few months, I've learned quite a bit about what goes into creating different forms of films. I'm looking forward to starting the final task and using my newfound skills to create an original opening sequence of a movie. This project will be challenging and have its ups and downs, but I'm confident I can see the project through to its best completion. I already have been brainstorming ideas into how I can use my editing skills in this project. 



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