Editing Blog
Today I worked on editing the commercial. This proved to be more challenging than expected. The video's total time with all the clips was a minute and 57 seconds. The editor I had initially decided on would not work. I tried to download it onto my computer, and it would not. The software was not compatible with my Chromebook. So I tried downloading other apps, and none of them seemed to work. The few I did download needed subscriptions. This was super frustrating as I was so tired. I had just gotten done taking the PSAT. Also, I was one of the only people from my group there today, besides one other person. We had limited time in class, so I had to finish working after school. My main goal was to find proper editing software. I had seen an ad for one called Cap Cut. It's a simple app, but it is doing the trick. I started by editing the clips down a speeding some of them up. Then I put them together in a video and started working on the sound. The videos all had to be muted. One of them did have good sound, though and it was then pen dropping clip. I was excited about this because it will be authentic noise in the commercial. My group and I are almost done, and it's going to be okay.
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