CCR Blog: The End Is Here!

Our commercial challenges InkJoy's conventions with the placement of the pens. I could have been more careful with the angles and the placement of the product, as I was in charge of the set and props. For example, in the video, the pens are not all face up with the tips out. However, I spoke one of the other conventions, "drys three times faster than the leading competitors." I also implemented another big convention, the audio. I made sure to have a voiceover, as well as child-like upbeat, happy music. This audio was ultimately on theme with InkJoy, which I think was a good thing. The product represents social groups because the target audience was students and teachers. We had a set of a school and had actors who were students and administrators. My commercial showcases pens in use and why they are the best.

My product engages with the audience because it is relatable. It shows actors who look like real people that use the pen. In a school environment, it is to connect the audience's brain that the product is helpful in that type of environment. My product engages with the audience because the commercial would play digitally. The specific marketing time would be August when all the back-to-school season infomercials are out. So people would see the film during summer TV shows, at the movies, even in stores. People typically don't go out of the way to buy pens unless they really need them. However, people purchase pens all the time during the back-to-school season without a second thought. 

My skills developed considerably during this project. My only prior experience with media was the picture. I did know how to get the right angle and lighting for a photo. Even tune the lighting after the fact. However, for a motion picture, it was a different ball game. I feel I progressed my skills with filming videos over the course of this project. My group took turns filming, which I think advanced my skills, but not nearly as much as editing. After playing around on so many editing software with sample videos, I felt like a pro using ours. In the end, I was the main one to place audios over the clips. I feel like I understand so much about sounds now. I had to put sounds over sound, mute videos, record the voiceover, and change the sounds' decibels to blend smoothly.

I used technology a lot over time in this project. First, I used technology to research and plan out the commercial. Then, we collectively watched hundreds of pen, InkJoy, and office supply commercials as a group. I then filmed the commercial on my friend's I-phone 10xr. I also used the phone to weave through and decide which were the best clips to go into the editing stage. Next, I used the editing software CapCut to put audio over the commercial and bring it all together. Finally, I uploaded the video to youtube to finish the process. The commercial utilized a lot of technology which was challenging to navigate at first but, it git easier. 


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