The Vision

SAM exits the car and walks toward the elevator. She is talking to her mom on the phone. And she runs to catch the elevator before the door closes. SAM enters the elevators and greets RYLIE, who is leaning against the wall. They gesture to the buttons, see the poster above them, and express interest. The scene shows the girls walking away from the closing elevators and looking at the poster, which shows their first clue. The girls sit on the seawall and discuss the clue they got from the elevator. They are bouncing ideas off each other, trying to decipher the clue. Time-lapse of the two girls searching the playground for the seashell. They settle on the playground equipment expressing their frustration when they look down and discover the striped shell. The girls walk up the bridge path coming from the beach. They're on a mission to find the clue and look around for it near the dock. They walk down from the bridge. The girls found the water taxi sign in front of the dock and beg...